The SJUSD Approach
SJUSD has a long-standing networked communication process through district, site, and association leaders. It is through these networks that significant “pressure points” are identified and addressed together through these partnerships. Stakeholders can see that concepts are not developed in isolation.
In Their Words
In the short audio clip below, a San Juan USD representative describes the district’s communication efforts amid the pandemic.
Melissa Bassenelii, Deputy Superintendent, Schools and Student Support, San Juan Unified School District:
When we develop our side letters, each of us kind of carry the water in terms of communication in different ways. For example, the district’s leadership team often carries the water in terms of principal communication in really trying to help principals digest and understand what is written in there and then the association does do a lot with the faculty reps. They work with their e-board, so we’re both carrying our water in terms of the communication out. So what parents see is often the end result of what was created in the partnership. I wouldn’t say that it’s not necessarily front and center as this was the partnership that created this model. I will share with you – I was just talking with the team working on the learning continuity plan, and I was sharing with them because a lot of what is required of us to put in the plan is stuff that we co-created together that exists in our side letters. So we’re pulling a lot of that information out and putting into our plan, and I was sharing with the team that I wanted to provide more context for our parent advisory community, as well as the stakeholders that we push this out to in terms of the collaborative partnership that was integral in developing the learning model and some of the key strategies that we have out there because I do feel like they need more context. This wasn’t someone sitting in a room creating it. These were people actively working together to co-create, pushing out information, gathering feedback, coming back to the table, revising plans. So we think that there’s more to do in terms of highlighting the partnerships.
Board Meetings
San Juan Unified School District Board Meeting September 22:
Practitioner Developed Lesson Design presentation
Click here to review entire board packet
San Juan Unified School District Board Meeting September 8:
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan presentation
Click here to review entire board packet
San Juan Unified School District Board Meeting August 25:
2020-21 start of school presentation
Click here to review entire board packet
San Juan Unified School District Board Meeting August 11:
Preparing for the return of school presentation
Click here to review entire board packet
San Juan Unified School District Board Meeting July 16:
Click here to review entire board packet
San Juan Unified School District Board Meeting June 23:
Presentation to board on maintenance and operations to support a safe return to site-based services
Click here to review entire board packet
San Juan Unified School District Board Meeting June 9:
Presentation to board on initial planning
Click here to review the entire board packet
COVID-19 Related Outreach and Communications
- Parent outreach
- Superintendent’s Parent Advisory Committee (SPAC)
- Online enrichment resources
- Notification of employee testing positive
- Family Resources page
- Family training