COVID-19 Pandemic Stakeholder Engagement
Marin County Public Health & School Community

Share Your LEA Comeback Story.

As California LEAs prepare for the safe return of staff and students to schools, the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) is seeking input from LEAs on the deliberate planning and collaborative approaches that are necessary to develop local guidelines and roadmaps for getting staff and students back to school.

CCEE plans to spotlight LEAs adopting inclusive approaches to engage a wide variety of stakeholders that provide expertise and broad understanding of local and state protocols that will inform plan development and implementation. Some of the LEA partnerships include, but are not limited to, the following stakeholders:

  • Public health
  • Local school boards
  • Students
  • Educators
  • Families
  • Community based organizations

The CCEE spotlight on LEA collaborative approaches will feature lessons learned, resources, strategies and practices that address common challenges, such as, equity, public health, facilities and school operations, responses to outbreaks, meeting staffing and personnel needs, meaningful teaching and learning, family and community engagement, and social-emotional learning.

Lets Get Started

If you know of an LEA that should be considered as a potential spotlight on #ComeBackCASchools, please complete the contact form below. A CCEE staff member will follow-up with additional questions.

Thank you for your submission!

We will be in touch soon

#ComeBackCASchools is a campaign designed by CCEE to spotlight local educational agencies (LEAs) collaborative approaches to getting California’s students back-to-school. It focuses on sharing tools, resources, and practices to leverage partnerships and facilitate dialogue among LEAs to support each other during the pandemic.