
LEA Spotlights

As local educational agencies (LEAs) plan for the safe return of staff and students for in-person social and instructional services, there are many challenges that will impact these plans to varying degrees. These challenges are reflective of the local context and represent a continuum and range of possible pathways to return to in-person support and instruction.

The purpose of #ComeBackCASchools is to share LEA “applied” experiences and practical realities of implementing policy and evidence-based practices when supporting academic and social-emotional learning in a safe environment. The key to overcoming these challenges is the systemic processes that LEAs have in place, many prior to the pandemic, that allow for collaboration and building trusting relationships. It is these relationships that provide the foundation for success. Success could mean establishing an agreement that everyone adheres to for distance learning or it could be a long-standing partnership with public health that allows for local policies and guidelines to support the transition to in-person instruction.

Since the launch of #ComeBackCASchools to coincide with the reopening framework that was released by the governor in July, the state has issued the following modifications and updates through the California Department of Public Health (CDPH):

All of these decision points are reflective of the continuum that LEAs must navigate for a successful ComeBack.

#ComeBackCASchools spotlights LEAs along the continuum of returning to in-person instruction. Specifically, the collaborative partnerships that support the LEAs with this return are featured so that others in the education community can learn from these experiences and understand the application of state, county, and local policies on supporting educators, students, and families during the pandemic. 

We will continue to follow these spotlights as these LEAs continue to navigate the continuum back to the safe return of staff and students.

Spotlight Summaries

Insights and Innovations

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