
In addition to direct communications and virtual community meetings, Burke and her team communicated continuously with stakeholders through a dedicated microsite.

The website, Rethinking Schools: A Public Health Guided Return to Site-Based Classroom Instruction in the Age of COVID-19, launched May 19 and serves as a clearinghouse for all information related to the safe return of students to in-person learning. It also serves as a robust resource for other school systems and community stakeholders. It includes links to relevant Marin County Public Health information and a collection of the most current public health information, in English and Spanish. Among the wealth of resources, it provides is a library of Rethinking Schools Trainings that includes the training videos below: 

Rethinking Schools Training: Central Office Reopening
Rethinking Schools Training: Cleaning, Disinfecting, EPE
Rethinking Schools Training: Cohort Structure
Rethinking Schools Training: Elementary Schools Structure
Rethinking Schools Training: Middle Schools Structure
Rethinking Schools Training: High Schools Structure
Rethinking Schools Training: Small Cohort Experience – Bayside MLK
Rethinking Schools Training: Preschool Structure

View full Rethinking Schools library for additional resources

Public Health Liason Sessions

MCOE recently expanded its website to include its regular Q&A discussions with public health to support the implementation of the Potential COVID-19 Exposure Preparation & Response Protocols. 


Sampling of Marin Communications

August 4 News Release (English)
August 4 News Release (En español)
September 3 News Release